Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dottie's a Teenager Now....

I am a terrible poster/blogger.  Life gets so crazy busy, and when you get home from work, take care of the Dottie, and everything else, I shy away from computers! 

Dottie's now 2 years old.  She's a lovely little girl with lots of joy and love to give to her family.  Her best friend remains to be a very large tabby cat she lives with - she'll cuddle up with the cat whenever she gets a chance.  Sometimes the cat allows it - sometimes she doesn't... but the majority of the time, it's too much effort on the part of the obese cat to move away, so she stays.

Dottie is very healthy, she goes the groomers approximately twice a month with the occassional once a month because of scheduling issues. 

Lately she's been pushing limits with me, who is more dominant - and if I got to reach down to pick her up out of her pen, she'll get ugly with me, not hurt me, but tell me off... I don't like that - so I'm trying to work on teaching her properly and safely that that behavior is unacceptable.  She's obstinate - and she doesn't seem to care - just like a teenager!  BUT, it's just a phase - and I love her to bits...

So.. we all have those days - those Bad Hair Days.. thought I'd share.... first - so that nobody thinks I let her go around like this - HECK NO... first picture is her normal every day to day look - the rest are for fun....

Thursday, January 4, 2018

6 Months - Adolescence has Struck!

Dottie will not be able to have babies and she'll never have to deal with the mess of going into heat - I had her fixed.  I thought long and hard about it, but realized - if she had babies, I'd keep them... and I'm not around all the time to help her out if she were pregnant.  SO... best plan - get her fixed...

She has stitches that come out next Friday - her surgery went well, she had a few baby teeth pulled and she chipped.  I thought she was reminding me of a shark with two sets of teeth - babies weren't falling out with adults coming in - so vet said she pulled the ones that needed help coming out. 

Key words to excite my Dottie:  "Out" and "Hungry"...

Companion time - I wasn't feeling well during the holidays - just run down, the weather wasn't nice, and I just wanted to sleep away the days.  So, I'd take care of the pup, and then she'd curl up with me on the couch, I'd turn on a movie or we binge watched shows on Netflix together - curled up with our nap blanket... and she stayed with me most of the time - except for "Hungry" or "Out" times or just play time - she'll play on her own now OR she'll bark at me and bring me her toy to toss for her to play fetch - she loves fetch... and then we have wild moments where we just run the circuit like a greyhound through the house.... that's hysterical - her ears flapping behind her, her "drifting" when she comes to a turn on the tile floors... one thing guaranteed with Dottie - she'll make you smile and laugh... she's a very positive little being in my life.

5 Months Old....

We are now Potty Trained!!!!  She IS the brightest Crayon in the Box!!!  She will hold it in until we go out - and she gets praised for being such a good girl... I stand there with my poop bag and my dog in the yard saying "What a good girl you are Dottie!!!!" in a sweet sickening tone to make her feel special and the neighbors to think I'm nuts.... well, whatever ... I am nuts!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Morning of Beauty and Health....the life and times of Dottie....

Dottie's hair was getting long and getting in her eyes, she was starting to get a bit too stinky, and she needed a haircut badly!  To brush her myself is a chore - what happened to, oh they love to be brushed?  I put her on my lap every night with a treat and a toy and I brush her - she hates it... she fights me all the way!  I have detangler, and I go ever so gently, doesn't matter - just the sight of the brush, comb, anything - she's an insane pup!

But, besides being the Cray-Cray Pup that she is, she's a true Cutie-Patootie, and this weekend she did something new - she snuggled up in my arms and lap on the couch and acted like the perfect lap dog... we watched the movie, Maudie, and I cried like a ninny at the end and she stood up on my lap, with her paws on my shoulders and washed my tears away... such a sweet pup!  

Monday, October 23, 2017

4 Months Old....

Wow, where does the time fly... Dottie has doubled in size, smart as a whip, determined, stubborn, and a biter!  Oh my God, I have to warn people - please be careful, she bites... she's getting better, but sometimes she reminds me of the white rabbit in Monty Python's Holy Grail.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Dottie has Grown in Leaps and Bounds

Dottie has grown in leaps and bounds.... she understands the command "Sit" and sometimes "selectively" understand "Get in Bed"... she's a stubborn and spoiled rotten brat that has to bite and growl and attack me, love on me, boy I've never had anything so excited to see me - I leave the room for 1 minute and when I come back in, it's as if she hasn't seen me for a year. 

She snuggles and loves on the Persian, Habibi.  He allows it for a little while.  The Tabby cat who weighs in at a good 25 lbs. and is the size of a medium dog, will play in her own way, the "wicked" way - she torments the dog and hits her all the time.  Poor Dottie.

I love waking up to my little walking wig - love the bites and the licks and the wiggles and snuggles. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Therapy by Puppy Lovin'

In the week of having Dottie in my life, my life has been busy and filled with joy and a scare (she took a leap off the couch and landed on her head).

She now chases the cats, barks at me to try and make me pick her up or be with her, she's my angel - always watching me, doesn't want me out of her sight... it takes her 20 minutes to stop barking for me - which is sad, but of course, she needs to get used to being separated from me a few hours a day... if I could, I'd strap her to me and take her anywhere and everywhere.